Labs are the sweetest dogs and we have three of them. This is our story.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Race

Brooklynn is a bad girl. I brought her outside today to do a few retrieves. Usually if she is retrieving, she stays close and she listens reasonably well, especially if I'm holding the bumper. Well today, she decided to visit the neighbors dog, and as I'm trying to get her attention, she runs off. So I chased.

Wrong move, Mom!

The dog was grinning everytime I got close. (Seriously, she was grinning.) Then she'd run some more. We traveled half the apartment complex before I thought, "Marcie, how stupid can you get?" She finally stopped about 20 feet from me, so I sat down facing away from her. The look on her face was priceless, "What?!? That's not the game!" I told her to come, and she did about 5 ft or so. Again, "come", again about 5 ft. I worked her all the way to me and had her sit. She stayed there about 30 seconds or so and I took her by the collar and dragged her home. I say dragged because she refused to just walk with me. What a nut.

I love my girl, but she is the most muleheaded dog I have ever had.

This is my pretty girl.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Family

This is the story of three kids. Meekah, 10 1/2 mos, Brooklynn, 7 mos, and Ruger, 4 mos. One breed, three personalities.

Meekah is the individualist and the neurotic. She will not 'cuddle' or 'snuggle' with us. She's just not like that. But if you come home, even if you just left 5 minutes ago, she will greet you with wild abandon. Meekah would slay the fatted calf. Goofy mutt.

Brooklynn is the lover and the demon dog. She will keep you warm and love on you at a moments notice. But leave her alone, even for 5 minutes, and you are guaranteed to have a mess when you get back. (But Meekah will be happy to see you!) She looks like an angel but there is a devil inside.

Ruger is the surfer hippie boy. He's mellow and relaxed, quite the stud. Always up for a game of fetch, but just as happy to be sitting at your feet. I can see him relaxing on the beach, watching the girls go by. Cowabunga, dude!